Negative Carbon NFTs

One of a Kind NFTs that Help the Environment

Negative Carbon NFTs (NCNFTs) go beyond carbon neutral. They are verifiably carbon negative. Each NCNFT offsets thousands of times more than its carbon footprint. NCNFTs fight climate change now, and into the future. Want to offset more? We can add offset certificates to any NFT at any time. You can track each NCNFT and all the offsets here. The beauty (besides the 4k art itself) is in using the blockchain to offset emissions for the blockchain.

NCNFTs help erase Ethereum's carbon footprint

This is an example of an NCNFT. It's 4k high resolution. Go ahead and zoom in!

How it Works

A transaction on the Ethereum blockchain is calculated to emit 0.02 kilograms (20 grams) of CO2 on average. That's the same weight as 4 U.S. nickels every transaction. Considering there are at least a million ETH transactions per day, the Ethereum blockchain is still responsible for the release of 20 metric tons of CO2 per day - post merge!

Generative Art

Every NCNFT Series 1 is 4k resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels) and generated based on the serial number of a carbon offset certificate tied to the token to establish uniqueness. Instead of using random numbers from the first buyers ETH wallet address, NCNFTs derive unique aspects from the carbon it offsets. This isn't just a picture on your screen, it's a step towards a better climate - one NCNFT at a time.

Negative Emissions

Blockchains are responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. NCNFTs are carbon negative by a factor of more than 20,000. They will stay that way. We can add new offsets to any NCNFT at any time that are validated, audited, and given a unique serial number to ensure that double counting or using credits twice is not possible. You can track each NCNFT and the offset certificates tied to it.

A Virtuous Cycle

NCNFTs are a positive and disruptive approach to the status quo of blockchains harming the environment. Low emissions is not good enough, zero emissions is not good enough, we need negative emissions - in this case offsets - to tackle our climate problems. Our hope is that NCNFTs are just the beginning of digital art that is extremely carbon negative.

Beast Mode

NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain are criticized for contributing to climate change for good reason. Even though Ethereum has switched to the low power consuming Proof of Stake platform, every transaction is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention the huge historic carbon footprint this blockchain is responsible for. Let's start erasing that entire carbon footprint with art that fights climate change on a computing blockchain.

Current Plans

Event Description Timing
Launch Series 1 of first ever NCNFT Drops announced on Twitter @NCNFTs
Landmark 1 >100,000 pounds of carbon offset by NCNFTs When achieved
Launch Series 2 NCNFTs Post Landmark 1
Landmark 2 >250,000 tons of carbon offset by NCNFTs When achieved
Climate Bonus Top 10% of most traded NCNFTs get an extra offset tied to token Post Landmark 2

We will buy offsets and tie them to individual NCNFTs if it's necessary to keep a heavily traded token carbon negative. Buy, sell, trade NCNFTs knowing they will always be carbon negative. Together we'll start to erase Ethereum's carbon footprint.