NCNFT Carbon Tracker

Negative Computer Carbon NFT (NCNFT) offsets more than its carbon footprint. Every time an NCNFT changes hands more offsets are bought as needed to keep that exact NCNFT carbon negative. Each offset certificate has the NCNFT number on it. The offsets are rigorously validated, third-party audited, retired, and given a unique serial number which ensures that double counting or using credits twice is not possible. The table below provides insight and transparency into NCNFTs and how much each is contributing to erasing Ethereum's carbon footprint.


  • Drops will be announced on Twitter @NCNFTs
  • Series 1 will be released in batches. Batch 1 will be 10 NCNFTs.
  • While each Series 1 offset is 1,000 pounds of CO2, creating an NCNFT incurs emissions. This has been accounted for in the table above.
  • 2,000 additional pounds of offsets were purchased to ensure NCNFT progect developmnt is carbon negative.
  • This work was made possible in part by: